
Article types

Research reports. These papers are reports of original research, using experimental or non-experimental methods, conducted in the laboratory, field settings, or archival sources.

Brief reports. These papers are reports of original research, and consist of preliminary results that suggest new areas of investigation.

Theoretical contributions. These papers are original contributions to the theoretical foundations of social sciences.

Commentaries. These are short papers in response to articles published in this or other journals. If the commentary pertains to articles published in JISS, they will typically be published along with the original authors' reply.

Book reviews. These are reviews of books relevant to the social sciences invited by the editors.

Books and suggestions to Dr. Rainer Diriwächter, Department of Psychology, California Lutheran University, 60 West Olsen Rd. #3800, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. Email:


Authors are required to submit manuscripts via the submission page of this website. In the case of student authors, their work must be submitted by a faculty sponsor, who certifies that he/she has guided the students through the research process and has read and checked the manuscript for accuracy, both in terms of content as well as in terms of structure. The faculty sponsor's name always appears on the publication.

Please note that we are not able to consider manuscripts for review unless they fully comply with these submission requirements:

Cover letter: Please write and include a cover letter as the first page of the manuscript that briefly details the paper. Be sure to include the following information: all authors have agreed to this submission, and this research has not been published elsewhere. Furthermore, please confirm that you will not be submitting your manuscript to any other journals while it is under our review. State explicitly under which discipline of the social sciences (e.g., psychology or sociology) the article concentrates most on. The names and email addresses of all authors (including the faculty sponsor/advisor) need to be listed in this cover letter.

Technical Instruction for Submissions

In technical details, JISS follows the simplified APA format, as in the 7th Edition of the APA Publication Manual

Title page: The title page of the manuscript must contain the title, author names, abstract, and keywords.

The Title Page should be structured as follows:

  • Title of the contribution
  • Names of authors (in proper order, with any faculty sponsor listed as last author)
  • Highest achieved degree for each author (e.g., none, BA/BS, MA/MS, Ph.D./Psy.D., etc.)
  • Institution affiliation for each author
  • Abstract: 100 to 200 (max.) words
  • Key words: 5-10

Emphasis: An emphasis within the text is to be marked in italics.

Running Head: Please add a running head. Our journal will continue to use running heads despite the new APA norm.

The main text should be sent in as a Microsoft Word document (.doc) in English. You should NOT use a hyphenation program, a footnote program or any special printing formats!

Each paragraph needs to be consecutively numbered. E.g.:
End of first paragraph. [1]
End of next paragraph. [2]

Acknowledgments (optional)

Notes: Please number the notes consecutively in agreement with the numbering in the text. Do not use a footnote program. Footnotes are to be listed at the end of the text (prior to the reference page).

References: Please use APA style as outlined in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: Seventh Edition.

Whenever possible, please include doi with functional hyperlinks.

Authors information: brief biographical information. All authors should give at least some information about their backgrounds of interest in looking at human behavior and mental processes from multiple perspectives and information about current work in progress (rather than the listing of honors and accomplishments of the past). At the very least, the complete postal address should be included, and if existent: the URL for the Web site and the e-mail address. In the case of undergraduate/graduate student submissions, a brief biographical statement of the faculty sponsor following the above criteria must also be included.

Appendix: (optional)

Figures, tables and graphics: Illustrations, tables and graphics should be numbered consecutively in the text as Table 1, Table 2 etc. or rather Figure 1, Figure 2 etc. and additionally be given a title. The tables, illustrations and graphics are to be placed directly into the appropriate section of the text. Upon successful review, we may request that these tables and figures be sent as extra documents (if applicable as GIF or JPEG files) to the Editorial Staff. It is important that space markers for overviews, tables and graphical material in the text are numbered accordingly and that the numbers and titles are identical in the non textual files.

Audio and video materials. JISS will include as supportive materials examples of evidence in audio and/or video formats. The audio or video files should not be sent with the original submission. We will request them upon review of the initial manuscript submission (placements of these audio/video materials should, however, be indicated in the initial manuscript - e.g., "*** INSERT AUDIO HERE ***"). Upon successful review of the initial manuscript, we will request these files for inclusion. Such attachments always need to be in standard formats (.wav, .mp3, .mpg, .mov, etc.) and their placements in the article should be indicated in the same manner as tables or graphics (titled and numbered). No audio/video files may exceed 9MB total.


Upon submitting a contribution, the editors have the right, after a successful peer review, to publish it. After the contribution appears in JISS, further publication elsewhere is still possible with the consent of the editors and with reference to the original publication.

JISS has the right to publish any contribution for selected print or electronic editions at any time in the future. We will try to notify all authors (via the email addresses we received from your first manuscript submission) if the article will appear in special print or electronic additions.

Fill out my online form.

Note: Upon submission you will receive a separate email from JISS acknowledging receipt of manuscript. If you do not receive an email confirmation within 5 business days of your manuscript submission, please contact us via email: